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Library Trustees Minutes 13 October 2005
October 13, 2005

Members Present:        Theodore Flynn (Chair), Carl Meier, Lynne Walsh, Nancy Delano and John Hill
Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director), Rose Hickey
                        (Tehcnical Service Division Head) and Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)
Also Present:   Deborah Bornheimer, member of DFL, Inc. Board

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the September 15, 2005 meeting were presented.  A correction was made
Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Mr. Hill, to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2005 meeting as amended.
                                                                        Vote:   5 – 0 in favor
Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist reported that September had been a busy month for library programs and that a new wireless network had been installed.

James Mandrell arrived at 7:40 pm
        Ms. Winquist will be meeting with the Town Manager to discuss the library budget for FY2007.  She reminded the trustees of the late adjustments to the FY05 gas bills that she reported on last month; the invoices will be listed as unpaid bill at the Annual Town Meeting in March.

Department Reports
Reports of the children’s, circulation, reference and technical services departments were distributed.  So far, after school is going well.  DVD theft seems to be settling since the DVDs were moved closer to the circulation desk.  Ms. Hickey that a wonderful new staff member, Denise Garvin, has begun work in the Tech Services department.  

Friends Report
        Ms. Winquist reported that the Friends had a good meeting the previous week.  The annual membership mailing had gone out and $1,000 had already been received.   There are four new prospective board members:  Meg Quigley, Laura Sullivan, Jane Blanchard and Beth Wahle.  The Friends are planning a major fundraising event in the library on the evening of March 25; it will be a multi-faceted program which will include hot hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer.  The friends have several programs planned in November, including Jessica Redmond’s author talk and the Friends drop-in book club, as well as their annual meeting on November 2. The Library’s volunteer appreciation luncheon will take place on November 4 at the Village.  The Friends would like to do their holiday brunch on December 14; the trustees decided to move their December meeting up one day to coincide with the brunch.

Annual Report to the Town
        Ms. Winquist distribute the Annual Report on FY2005 which was submitted to the town for inclusion in the next Town Report.  She said that changes could still be made.  Mr. Flynn said she had done a good job.

FY07 Budget
        Ms. Winquist will be meet with the town manager the next week to discuss the FY07 budget.  She noted that the town is locked in to good rates on utilities for the current year and with NStar through 2008.  The town manager’s goal in the FY07 budget is to maintain staff and cover energy costs.  Ms. Bornheimer suggested that the trustees look ahead at capital needs and the idea of forming a committee, possibly including community input, was discussed.  This will be placed on the next agenda.

Ms. Winquist noted that the first Sunday opening was scheduled for the coming weekend.  The next trustees meeting is scheduled for November 10.  It was decided to change the start of trustees meetings to 8:00 am.  Collective bargaining will be commencing soon.  Mr. Hill noted that the goal should be to settle the contract before annual town meeting.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 am.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor